Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Just had an opportunity to visit the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.  This is the show where all of the electronic innovations for consumers all over the globe are introduced.  It is a truly global experience with an almost over the top feel to it.  The scope of the booths is overwhelming.  Some of the bigger name electronic brands have displays that are upwards of three football fields in size.  It's truly remarkable.

The show is in Las Vegas.  It's popular to treat Vegas with a certain amount of difference, to cast it into the 'Yeah, I've been there' (cue shoulder shrug).  But I am absolutely impressed, amazed, awed, overwhelmed, giddy, excited, shocked... because Las Vegas is like Disney World for adults.  That place impresses me the same way Disney did when I was eight years old.  I can't barely get over the enormity of it all.  The money that is made in Vegas is absurd.  The extravagance and detail, the beauty and the scope is absolutely stunning.  If you haven't been, you need to go. 

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